On this 29th day of your Birthing season, you hold the keys to the next phase of your life. The Biblical Numerology meaning of the number 29, comes from the understanding, that it normally deals with the expectancy of one befallen some type of severe or fair judgment. Some will face the fair judgment that will influence them to depart from their former behavior and attitude, which is a blessing... Some will face judgment in their favor that will change their lives and lead them into a new direction... Be prepared to leave some things and people behind. Things and people who have been sent by the enemy to interfere with your purpose... Even for them, judgment is coming that will lead them in a new direction, away from you... Whatever this day brings you, just know that God will work everything out for your good.. Lastly, some of you will find out that you were going about things the wrong way, you had the wrong person arrested, your belief was flawed. Someone will discover that your new friend you were leaning more towards above those that have stuck with you through thick and thin, is really your frenemy on an assignment to divide and conquer... Guard yourself today, but be confident that all shall work out for your good..
And it is so.. Agape!