This is the Lord’s day and now is the time to worship Him in spirit and I truth! There are many who will not take this day seriously and will willfully violate God’s command to; Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Exodus 20:8.
On this blessed Sunday morning, The Lord's day, I must say this again;
If ever God's children needed to get it right with Him, it's now! He is angry with the wicked every day. Don't think that the wicked are those sinners who have never known God. To the contrary, the wicked are those in the church who claim to know God, but are living like the devil, from the pulpit to the front door.
Many pulpits across this world will be polluted by a minister, deacon, pastor, choir member... who just left the sheets of another man/woman. Some just left the club, the strip joint, the adult store... They have such nerve with no fear to stand on God's holy place, with the stanch of sin all over them. May God have mercy on the violators of His law of Holiness, without which, no man shall see God!
Find a church today and go make it right with God. It’s time for the true worshiper to come alive in Zion! He loves you.
By: Bishop Isaiah Musgrove.