I have decided to practise the obedience I preach about, regardless of who it offends or who thinks I'm preaching on them. The Holy Ghost has been dealing with me for some time now to bring a word to God's people on the spirit of JEZEBEL that is trying to invade the church. Some are undercover until the right moment and others are blatant and in your face! But, I say this: LOOK OUT JEZEBEL, YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE UNCOVERED AND STRIPPED OF YOUR POWER OF DECEPTION!!!
Contrary to what some may say, Jezebel cannot be a man since the name is a feminine proper name. This is another trick of the enemy to cause us to look in the wrong direction. Translated from Hebrew, the name means “Baal is husband to” Spiritually, she was the wife of Baal, a Canaanite Idol god of prosperity, fortune and sexual pleasure…that she worshiped with her soul!!
The root of Jezebel's nature is fornication, both spiritually and physically. She is a fornicator at heart and is driven by greed for money and power. Those who fall prey to her treachery will be infected!!!!!
Know who Jezebel is among you and cast out that foul deceptive spirit in the name of JESUS!