Pentecost Sunday at JCILMDC was not just a day, but an event that we will not soon forget. The power of God was strong by way or the prophetic utterance of His word. Dormant gifts were activated and new assignments were given. We at JCILMDC are looking forward to the signs and wonders God has peomised to follow the believer. Come and be a part of the great move that has already begun. May God bless you and yours is our prayer.
Today, May 27th, 2012 @ 3:00pm, the Power of Penetecos shall be in the house. God has instructed me to anoint you with oil and prophesy over your life. I declare and decree that yokes, habbits, curses, sickness, disease, poverty... shall be destroyed. I decree elevation into dimensions never experienced before.
Acts 2:1And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. This is the day of Pentecost in Christendom. Trust me, You cannot afford to miss church today. There shall a shaking and a thunderous shift in the atmosphere. All that can shake, will be shaken today! Let God lead you to a house of worship today. Get on one accord in the spirit and watch God move as never yet before. Hallelujahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!